Tools for Living Leadership – The 15 Commitments

In this video I take a look at the 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, discuss the book and suggest how we might integrate these leadership principles in our lives as we live and work in Lincoln County and elsewhere. Details on the giveaway in the video – applies to the first five requests for the book made on Facebook:

I wrote a quick post on hiring for self awareness. The Conscious Leadership Group has an informative article on the subject. How to Assess Self-Awareness in a Hiring Interview.

As I continue to explore the deep wisdom provided by the 15 Commitments there is much reassurance with these tools and tactics to dig further and/or expand ones periphery. The struggle is real for all of us and in those moments of suffering it’s helpful to have playbook to break out of the desire to retreat and withdraw.

I am experiencing gain as I have been doing to some reality testing on these concepts. The ideas work. What I hope to accomplish is further buy-in from my friends, family, coworkers and community. If these were share objectives at scale the outcomes would be super exciting: a win for all solution! Goals!