What are the challenges and opportunities people are experiencing in Lincoln County? Would you like to hear from people in our community and normalize helping others no matter who they are or where they are from?
Let’s gather to listen, talk and share. Wednesday, September 8th at 7pm during a “Community Discussion” on Zoom. This is information sharing…
Register now: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0CJ4TWPdTTWPfsSqU_MAvg
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
The format is simple. Each person will have the opportunity to share if they choose to. If you have a challenge – tell the group what it is. If you are aware of an opportunity – share it with the group. Conversation topics are unlimited: Hiking, COVID, Mental Health, Housing, Gardening, Climate… It’s up to you.
The intention is to tap our collective wisdom during our gathering and share information that’s helpful and useful. Please keep this in mind: “Everyone you meet (during our gathering) is a human being who fears something, loves something, and has lost something. Remember this, respect this, and be extra kind.”
I will be moderating this discussion. Participants who demonstrate hate, bigotry, racism, bullying – will be removed from the online conversation.
Please join me and others to have an inclusive conversation. Looking forward to seeing you online!
Note, although I am an employee of Lincoln County Government this gathering is not a function of local government, nor does it necessarily represent the views of any organization that is not present in the discussion. Also, I am not a professional counselor, therapist, or medical doctor. – Casey