Without knowing, consciously, that Tyler Spencer was a “local” musician – I’ve seen Tyler around. Over the last year, our paths crossed with more frequency. He rides MTB, is a student mountain biking (NICA) coach, shows up at Newport Area Trail Stewards meetings and has been involved in the Coast Hills Classic Mountain bike race. At some point, I friended him on Facebook and learned about his new album Sonar becoming available on iTunes. We downloaded Sonar and begin jamming his tacks during our morning commute. (https://music.apple.com/us/album/sonar/1478790328)
It is typical for Reed and I to crank the tunes driving, especially on the way to school. As we started listening to Sonar the album grew on me the way good music does. It’s often the best music that gets better with each listen. Such as the case with Tyler’s Sonar. The better the music got the more I became intrigued with Tyler, his musical process and the mystery of his primary tool – the didgeridoo. On Sonar he’s laid the solid trance like and hypnotic beats. As a “former” multi-instrumentalist (and perhaps at some future date continued musician) I know that nailing these beats is no simple achievement. They are good. I also become intrigued with the didg riffs on these tracks. What is happening?! How many tracks? What can be done with this didgeridoo? Fascinating.

Wikipedia: “There are no reliable sources of the exact age of the didgeridoo. Archaeological studies suggest that people of the Kakadu region in Northern Australia have been using the didgeridoo for less than 1,000 years, based on the dating of rock art painting”. It wouldn’t surprise me if this instrument goes further back in the depths of time…
I have so much more to learn about Tyler and the history of this instrument. I feel like I have seen photos of him in Australia hunting for trees to craft new instruments. So much to verify and correlate. I believe he designs, crafts and sells these instruments, as well. “My life’s work is dedicated to the crafting and playing of the didjeridu. These pursuits have taken me around the world and helped forge strong ties to the didjeridu community.” (www.primaltones.com)
As I began editing the video I realized that 10 years ago Spencer had a show at Café Mundo and was witness to a “angel like entity” who he would later marry. I assume this encounter would later cause his current roots to be planted and grow. This show may be his last at Cafe Mundo. Lorie and Greg have sold the restaurant and property to pursue (www.realcannahoney.com) Reed and I are very grateful to have seen Tyler play live at Mundo. This video’s intro from Tyler discusses the narratives and origins of meaning. It’s significant in this universe – Lincoln County’s Universe – and the sounds that we all experience. Enjoy…!