Register to Vote

In 1998 Oregon voters overwhelmingly passed a ballot measure directing elections be conducted by mail, commonly called vote by mail. This replaces traditional polling place elections.

Other states may use strategies such as reducing polling locations in predominantly African American or Lantinx neighborhoods, or only having polling stations open during business hours. Oregon’s vote by mail seeks to improve access.

VOTER INFORMATION – Lincoln County Clerk’s Office

Find out if you are registered to vote:

A Portland State University study found that fewer than 15 percent of eligible voters were turning out to vote for mayors, council members, and other local offices. Low turnout means that important local issues are determined by a limited group of voters, making a single vote even more statistically meaningful. – NatGeo

You only need to update your registration in Oregon when:

  • your residence or mailing address changes;
  • your name changes; or
  • you wish to change your party affiliation.

Talk about voting on social media and in discussions with your friends and family. We need to engage and encourage future generations to vote. Use these images below to spread the word!

Media Library – Please feel free to use! Need a custom image for your advocacy? Contact Casey Miller.

Vote 2022 Circle – Light Blue
Vote 2022 Circle – Dark Blue
Vote Lincoln County – Rectangle
Vote Lincoln County – Pride
Vote Lincoln County – Pride Flag
Register to Vote Election – Rectangle
The People – Casey Miller – Vote
Vote Casey Miller – Pride

Lincoln City Mayor Candidate Forum

Lincoln City Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Luncheon and Mayor Forum. The Chamber is offering a ZOOM option:  you will need to email the chamber of commerce for the ZOOM coordinates. Space is limited for the live event at the Cultural Center – COVID restrictions – preregistration is required.

COIVD may have ushered in a new era of live streaming and video recording of community events. I hope that OCCC may provides their Digital Studio technology to broadcast the forum. Shout out for the Central Coast Marketing Academy, btw.

Details on the Chamber’s Facebook Page. (
Chamber of Commerce Web Site (

I greatly appreciate LCCC providing access via zoom so we can all tune in and check out what the potential candidates have to say about their objectives as the next City’s Mayor. There are no doubt many issues the new mayor will have to tackle on behalf of the community. The City’s current manager Ron Chandler will be leaving the organization April 30th. Yet another dynamic facing the Council’s future.

National Geographic has a brief article on the history of voting. I shared it today with my ten year old. “…voting was not always a default right for all Americans. The United States Constitution, as originally written, did not define specifically who could or could not vote—but it did establish how the new country would vote.” – Nat Geo

Lincoln City Home page also has a brief summary of the candidates: “Five residents will be on the ballot for Lincoln City Mayor, including a former mayor, current and former city councilors, a fiscal administrator and a surfer.” – Lincoln City Homepage

“A Portland State University study found that fewer than 15 percent of eligible voters were turning out to vote for mayors, council members, and other local offices.” I hope you can carve out a few moments and review the candidates. I’ll be reviewing the Chamber’s recording with my son as a primer for his future participation and engagement.