So, here you are. Thanks for stopping by Ocean18 – Perspectives from the Edge of the Earth. This is my personal website and blog. Consider the content below as shortcut to “What’s New” and “Interesting” on this site.
The Posts section (home page) is linear – recent to last. “Tags” and “Categories” are useful for filtering. Scroll to the bottom of each page to find them. Recent post activity includes: I’m a little behind here… “Recent Posts” can be found in sidebar navigation.
2023 Highlights & Perspectives in County Government
This review wraps up my first year serving as a Lincoln County Commissioner.
Second Week on the Job
A quick overview of several things going on as I acclimate and begin the work of county elected official.
We Have Lift Off!
Swearing in Ceremony. Oath of Office. It gets REAL!
The Adventure is Ongoing – 2023 Begins
Tomorrow, I’ll be sworn in as new County Commissioner and begin my first of day of work as an elected official. The length of term is 1,460 days – 4 years.
Candidate Forums – Casey Miller Speaking
Watch video from previous forums and see where I will be next. Election Day is drawing near!
Short Term Rentals in Unincorporated Lincoln County
To sum it up… might be back to the drawing board. County’s policy didn’t hit the mark. Community took the bull by the horns. It’s more complicated that I wish…
Business Leaders Meet w/ Candidate, Discuss Economic Development
Sunday, February 27th at 4PM – I invite business leaders to a conversation where be can focus on business specific Q & A.
Economic Development
It’s a HUGE aspect to a Commissioner’s responsibilities. Please explore this page in detail and let’s build a thriving community!
Donate to the Campaign
The donation portal for “Friends of Casey Miller” is live. I appreciate your support for independent leadership that seeks collaboration with the people of Lincoln.
Campaign Themes
What am I most passionate about? Check out the “Campaign Themes” page. Consider these a few of my passions and priorities!
Countywide Survey
I want to hear from you. What are your priorities for a County Commissioner? Take the survey if you would!
Today I Filed for County Commissioner
It is done. The paperwork has been submitted! Now the race is on to show our community that I might be worthy of their trust as an elected official.
Tools for Living Leadership – The 15 Commitments
I love, love love this book. It’s a game changer. Check it out!
Aboriginal Oregon: Beginning My Exploration
In the coming future… I would like to have a community conversation: What did this land – this geographical area, look like, sound like, feel like before European settlers arrived in the landscape?
Are YOU? Self-Awareness in a Hiring Interview
Was I self-aware this week? Did I account for how my choices affect those around me? May I activate this principle of looking inward and how that radiates outward on the regular.
The Random Post
Long Term Recovery Group, FEMA, Oregon Coast Jazz Party… Random exploration of living in Lincoln County trying to understand what it all means…
Community Discussion
Forget the Netflix series. Get on your computer/phone and see what your neighbors are thinking. You might even realize that you have a few ideas to throw down! All are welcome!
Cascade Head Biosphere Reserve – Video
Spaceship Earth?! Round and round the sun we go. Yet, right here… in North County, we have a our very own UN designated Biosphere Reserve. That’s right!? Too cool. Embrace it!
Survival Tips: Go Bag & Foraging
If you’ve yet to create a “Go Bag”… then, what are you waiting for? C’mon guys. This is some serious S%$t! Please, please, please… Emergency Preparedness! Now, imagine you’ve ran out of granola bars… well, head down to the beach and harvest some seaweed!
Landscaping with Love
We often say it’s about community. And, here we are… proof of concept. Otis, OR has mobilized their efforts to support each other in the aftermath of the Echo Mountain Fire Complex. Thank you for the regional support. Let us restore each other.
The 2020 Community Vision Awards
Imagine what we can be… That’s what the City of Newport has done. This is tangible goodness. As someone who is not very good at projecting ahead to his own future… I greatly appreciate this effort!
The Random Post (Spring Fever) – 4.11.21
COVID Vaccines, City of Lincoln City Website Redesign, Epic Garage Sales, Port of Toledo, Phantom Art, Surviving on Seaweed and Protecting Mother Earth. You know? Just a random post from my brain.
Lincoln City Mayor Candidate Forum
Civics literacy… We’re all very busy, indeed. Thanks to the Lincoln City Chamber for creating a forum in which we can learn about the candidates who might be the next Lincoln City Mayor.
Steelhead Fishing the Nestucca
For many years, Reed’s Grandpa provides us the opportunity to experience a guided fishing trip on the Nestucca. This year I filmed it.
Oyster Food Trail Beginnings
Grateful that we have access to these delicious bivalves just a few miles away from our backyard grill. The larger narrative fosters poetic justice – both literal and symbolic.
The Random Post – 3.13.21
Journaling, Vaccinations at Siletz Community Health Clinic, FEMA Housing (also, thank you Siletz Tribe), Crossfit, Rocket Stoves, Elected Officials flying Planes…
Bikes May Be Hard to Find in 2021
Apparently, the US has a bike shortage?! If you are into riding and have been hibernating this winter (wimp… yeah me too) Better think about spring riding now!
Oregon Lifeline Reduces Cost of Phone or Broadband
For those hit hard by COVID, Wildfires or just life… You may qualify for $$ to supplement your broadband or phone service.
From the Desert to the Ocean
The “Voice of the Desert” a new podcast discovery (for me) has stoked my recollection of speaking in tongues, black triangles, known and unknown.
Cascade Head Biosphere Reserve (Part 1)
Reed and I explore the Cascade Head Biosphere Reserve, contemplate Spaceship Earth and learn more about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Home for the Holidays
Two week freeze. Now, Risk Protection and Framework. When will it all end?
Staying Tuned In: Local Radio
A battery powered radio is an essential tool for emergency preparation. Which stations? Each frequency has value. Find one. Know them all.
Get Active – Stay Active!
What’s your movement practice?
Drive-In to the PAC Picture Show
The Drive-In is back! “Parking Lot Theatre” at the Newport Performing Arts Center. It’s amazing to think that there was once 4,000 Dive-ins across the USA. Capture the feeling in Newport.
Parents are the First Teachers
Me to Labor and Delivery Nurse: “Thanks, for everything. But, did you forget to include the operating manual for our child?” Parents are Teachers. It is the way. Embrace the journey and get some help from the pros.
Riding during COVID – Go Solo or Spread Way Out
I was pleased to discover that Bike Newport was open and surviving these times. But, it also made me wonder? How safe is riding in groups? What are the best precautions to take while trying to get the exercise that’s also essential to optimal health?
When Happens Someone Tests Positive for for COVID-19?
Lincoln County Public Health’s flow chart/process after a positive test is identified. Stay at home and avoiding contact with others.
Sixty Days – TrainRideFilmEdit
Two years of dealing with subluxed coccyx also led me to opioid dependency. I am since free of this ball and chain. After sixty days life seems to be returning to normal.
Coronavirus and Team Lincoln County
(MUCH has happened since this post on 3.7.20). We train and exercise for events such these, yet… When Dr. Ogden was mentioning that we should avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands – I think I touched my face and beard three times! Yikes!
Nonprofit Capacity Building Seminars
Lincoln County Government provides training for passionate, community driven, local nonprofits. Let’s strive to thrive.
Tobacco Dependency
The antithesis of healthiness. Does all that proactive stuff I do mitigate my toxic behavior? Hoping. But, what an awful example I demonstrate for my kid.
Ultralife Café – Hearty, Healthy and “Local”
Matt and Stephanie provide healthy dose of food, drink and atmosphere. It’s an affair of entrepreneurship, partnership and love.
Water Safety & Feasibility in a Community Neighborhood
Managing a neighborhood water system includes measured standards for water quality and challenges from the reality of climate change.
Living and Dying – Conversations with Aunt Patty
What can we learn from conversations about conversations with the dying? Revelations about how to live now from our family chaplain.
Newport Skatepark – 2,000 Sq. Ft Addition
Specialty recreation investments take smart planning and collaboration. Assets that encourage physical activity share near unanimous support. How do we pay for it and can afford it?
Canna Honey – CBD Therapy
Local business makes quality product. Getting individuals to embrace nature’s ancient technology and look past the narratives of fear are more difficult than expected.

New Pages include:
Not the deepest dive or manifesto. “There is no such thing as an average person, we are all genetically and biologically unique“. A brief rant and overview of my routine.
One of my greatest discoveries has been consistently engaging in a movement practice that utilizes strength training. Lifting heavy things often feels like hard work. But, why does it hurt so good?
Health and wellness can be improved with a little love and kindness to yourself. What works for me might not work for you, however. These are some of my favorite ways squeeze a little more out of this lifespan – supposedly.
Being present yields a high return on investment. Are you buying in? Slowing down is not always easy. But, the rewards are great even if every once in awhile I find myself wanting to scream!

My highest priority guiding principles. This section could use more examples of how I live those values through action. We are what we do: I’ve got the road map. So, time to get cracking!
People love to talk if give them the opportunity. They also live amazing lives filled with fascinating experiences. With a spark of curiosity we light the fires of shared imagination through communication.
The older I get the more interested I am becoming in my past. Why is that? And, why didn’t I appreciate my loved ones more when they were with me. Hindsight feels right in 2020.
A little bit about me, where you can find me on the web and how I use other web platforms like social media for sharing information.

I’m still experimenting with navigational structures. Let this page be a gateway (for now) to discovering what’s happening in this space. I’ve been feverishly writing and “noticing things” the last couple of months. Ocean18 is where many of my observations are further deliberated.
I’ve also been tooling with the idea of a “Stream of Consciousness” or “SOC” style post. I enjoy creating essays with conclusion driven trajectory but I am also realizing I need something that can be a little more free form. A traditional journal style structure post, perhaps. A writing block that will allow less wood shed commitment. This will be coming soon.