I kept hearing, it’s just a matter of time. We’ll eventually see positive tests. And, so we did. Are we in very begging of our curve? In the middle? At the end? Nothing is certain. Perhaps, I am more a skeptic than I thought myself. I’ll quote my wise friend. “Assume it’s everywhere and that YOU could be carrying the virus already.” Sounds like a good play. There’s a lot of hard right now. Things seem blurry. I am trying to stay focused, positive and grateful. Deep inhale. Long exhale.
When Someone Tests Positive for COVID-19 in Lincoln County – this is the process. (Spanish Flyer – “What Happens Next”)
- Lincoln County Public Health interviews the patient who tested positive. This helps determine who they had contact with that might be at risk of getting COVID-19.
- When we identify someone who might be at risk, Public Health will call them and explain the circumstances. This happens within a few hours.
- We ask the person at risk to self-quarantine for 14 days after their last contact with the person that tested positive. During this time they monitor themselves for any potential symptoms while staying at home and avoiding contact with others.
- If they develop symptoms, they will work with providers to determine if they should be tested.
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/LincolnPublicHealth
Website: www.co.lincoln.or.us/COVID
Call Center Phone: 541-265-0621 (Monday-Friday, 9am – 1pm)
Call Center Email: lincolncocallcenter@co.lincoln.or.us